You performed a search for: Organization: Durham Youth Services
There are 3 record(s) that match your criteria.
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Nightstop is an alternative to shelter that adopts a preventative approach to homelessness by intervening at an early stage of crisis in order to help youth secure safe temporary housing, avoiding the shelter system or sleeping “rough” on the streets.
The program engages the community to act as “Hosts” for young people who have nowhere else to go and who have successfully passed a thorough risk assessment.
Community members help prevent that first night in shelter by offering a spare room and meals for short-term stays. Hosts and youth continue to be supported by DYS staff every step of the way.
Hosts are responsible for providing a private bedroom, access to laundry and bathroom facilities, as well as three meals (dinner, breakfast, and a packed lunch).
We need volunteers work in pairs for a 2-hour shift * you can choose as many or as few shifts as you like * all Charity Bingo Volunteers receive a comprehensive one-hour orientation which is done online at a time convenient for you.
Required for odd jobs around and within the three properties (Ajax and Whitby) * own vehicle and tools needed * any materials needed will be supplied * available to carry out jobs during daytime hours * general contractor experience is desired.